Now that the 'Big 3' have each shows their wares, here are a few more impressions after digesting Nintendo, Sony, the rest of EA, and everything in between.
I need to correct my excitement over ESPN on 360 to zero if what I have heard since then is true. Basically if you don't already have the channel through Cable/Dish you cannot watch it. If this is correct, please tell me what the fuck devoting that much of your show to it was for, since 'free' price is in fact NOT free if that is the case. I really hope I am wrong, but it wouldn't surprise me.
As for Nintendo, how the fuck did they pull off the best show, even with some really awkward parts? Is it that the others were just incredibly BAD (and they really made Microsoft look flat out AWFUL in retrospect) or did they just make me excited about the Wii AND somehow look forward to the 3DS despite swearing off handhelds?
I cannot convey how happy I am that Zelda looks like it requires the Motion+, since more serious games that use motion controls benefit immensely from it. I really really worry about the shield controls though, as from my experience the motion sensor in the nunchuck is piss poor. I hated any moves in Twilight Princess that used it in that manner, as it was spotty at best. I hope it was more a software issue and not hardware, as the accuracy of the controls will make or break this game unlike any other in the series so far.
Now I just feel like jumping to the 3DS, which if the effect is really as amazing as I keep reading, and if the analog stick works well, seems both awesome and incredibly awkward at the same time. Think back to all the games that you felt really used the DS - chances are the "main" game screen was the lower one. With the focus almost having to be on the top screen due both to the larger size and the 3D effect, doesn't that take away 90% of the point of having the touch screen?
I understand it from a backwards compatibility standpoint, but otherwise it also really impacts adventure games (which seemed to be making a minor comeback on the system) and all of the games that use the DS as a book. It also seems to get rid of the popular effect of spanning both screens due to the different sizes, though I am sure developers will do it anyway. It really is almost two distinct systems in one right now, which makes me feel like they should have gone all-out to one big 3D screen and set it up like the PSP Go (they couldn't go the other way with touch, as it would just be an iPhone). Think about a game like Nintendogs, one of the all-time bestsellers on the system - it would never be made for the 3DS. I am really interested to see how many developers skip the touch aspect altogether with the analog now available to control and a larger 3D screen above.
Sony didn't really wow me, though I am really excited for Infamous 2. What struck me more about their presentation was the odd EA partnerships, which exclusive special editions of EA games. Then I thought back to how Microsoft was pimping Activision DLC, and how they chose to show the Ubisoft Kinect workout game as a feature instead of EA Sports Active 2, which is also for Kinect. Could this be the two heavyweights choosing sides for the next couple years?
The other scary part is that there has been no price announced for the 3DS (somewhat understandable) OR Kinect (baffling). I will say my magic price for 3DS that would make it a day 1 purchase is $149, and I will consider around the $179 range (with strong launch games), but my guess is $250. I can see $200 if they don't want it to be more than the Wii though. Kinect just doesn't have anything I care THAT much about, so I think $79 is my magic price there, or $100 if they announce some more uses that appeal to me. The rumored $150 is just way too high, and I think may cause it to be a massive flop.
BioWare Studio Update
3 weeks ago