(thanks to Alan Richey for the killer banner above)

Welcome to Untitled Gaming, repository for unfiltered, uncensored opinions on all things related to games, and best of it all, it comes from two adults that don't live in their mothers' basements. Additionally, we do not think it's the coolest thing in the world to scream racist and homophobic slurs, all in the name of drawing attention to our sad, little lives. We do other less obnoxious things to draw attention to our sad, little lives.

Oh, and we've been accused of podcasting from time to time. You can check out the most recent one just to the right of the blog.

We're here to have discussions, so please enjoy and engage us in the comments!

thanks to Laurance Honkoski for the book banner!

Blaine's Other Blogs


Calm after the storm...

Now that Heavy Rain has been completed, it looks like I have a week before I start getting hit with the Final Fantasy, God of War, Dawn of War platter. To be honest I still don't know what to think of my experience playing through the game, made even harder to convey without spoiling anything. I will say this - I turned the difficulty to Easy around the doctor sequence. I wanted my choices to dictate the story, not a missed press of the X button.

If I am to look at Heavy Rain as a movie, I think it would not be believable at all, mainly due to how elaborate things are set up throughout the game. I did enjoy 'playing' through it, but the desire to play through again to see different paths just isn't there for me. I also think that the story, while having a few points that you can heavily influence, still is focused enough that I can easily imagine what would happen if I made X decision instead of Y.

Even though I am really not a fan of quicktime events, I would say that overall the game was a success. While it was cumbersome at points (sometimes on purpose, sometimes not) it was rarely a mystery as to what was needing to be done. It also refrained from the 'you missed one press and now you lose' for the most part, at least giving you 2-3 fails in a scene before you are screwed. I did get my slip for the free download of the first add-on story, so hopefully they keep building onto the foundation with some good additional content.


  1. You left off Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening. Dude. Madness.

    Word up @ turning the difficulty down. After playing through Indigo Prophecy a few times, I wasn't even about to fuck with the QTE Funhouse that Heavy Rain is.

    I also applaud you for making sure to position your first block in the building of your 'this is not a $60 game' fortress. To be fair, I don't think any game should be $60, let alone $50, $40, or even $30, so in a way, I agree with your inevitable position, if not necessarily your logic. Oh, and I haven't even finished it yet, so SUCK IT.


  2. Nice write up man. I'm about half way through the game, and I like it thus far. I agree with you on the whole QTE thing, but QD did a pretty clever job with the motion control actions. I'm really excited to see where they take this, seeing as they have a created a viable platform for episodic content.

  3. Blaine - Well you know this falls into my whole 'if there is no multi, and the game is only 10 hours long, why on earth should I buy it for $60?' thing, and Heavy Rain is much more akin to a $20-30 Blu-Ray movie/season than a $60 Mass Effect 2.

    Jon - Thanks for commenting! The motion controls were ok, but I liked the 'fling sideways' much more than the 'shake up and down,' which tended to just annoy me. Also, the 'hold X but character is shaking' and the 'tap X' are way too similar. It wasn't enough to turn me off, and it worked more than it was broken, so I am really looking forward to see how long the $5 episodes are. If they are an hour or two each and well written I will certainly be getting each one. A game like this will go only as far as its writing can carry it.
