(thanks to Alan Richey for the killer banner above)

Welcome to Untitled Gaming, repository for unfiltered, uncensored opinions on all things related to games, and best of it all, it comes from two adults that don't live in their mothers' basements. Additionally, we do not think it's the coolest thing in the world to scream racist and homophobic slurs, all in the name of drawing attention to our sad, little lives. We do other less obnoxious things to draw attention to our sad, little lives.

Oh, and we've been accused of podcasting from time to time. You can check out the most recent one just to the right of the blog.

We're here to have discussions, so please enjoy and engage us in the comments!

thanks to Laurance Honkoski for the book banner!

Blaine's Other Blogs


Forthcoming Righteous Podcastness

Tonight, Tony & I will manning the mics in hopes to once again stimulate your mind's g-spot and make you think about games and life in ways that perhaps you haven't, and maybe, shouldn't.

We'll be talking about Dragon Age Awakening, God of War 3, Infinite Space, Metro 2033, Mass Effect 2: Firewalker, Final Fantasy XIII, the Nintendo 3DS, and anything else you demand. GET THOSE DEMANDS IN NOW!

Sorry about the lack of linkage, but I'm at work, so...long story.

We may try to sneak in some last minute PAX East stuff.

What else? What are we missing? Put it in the comments!


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