(thanks to Alan Richey for the killer banner above)

Welcome to Untitled Gaming, repository for unfiltered, uncensored opinions on all things related to games, and best of it all, it comes from two adults that don't live in their mothers' basements. Additionally, we do not think it's the coolest thing in the world to scream racist and homophobic slurs, all in the name of drawing attention to our sad, little lives. We do other less obnoxious things to draw attention to our sad, little lives.

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thanks to Laurance Honkoski for the book banner!

Blaine's Other Blogs


Lately, it's always Bioware.

I have a large, potentially huge (kudos to anyone who gets that reference) pile of shame. Like, AMAZINGly big.

But, see, I'm also a bit of a collector, though not as much as I used to be. I have an RPG collection the likes of which you can't imagine, though I have managed to migrate as much it as possible to portable (laptop, DS, & PSP) formats.

Anyway, the point is that I've got a million unplayed games, and yet, I keep going back to Bioware games (though, the Witcher, which I haven't yet played through, is in there right now, too.) Lately, I've been ping-ponging between Dragon Age & Mass Effect.

Mass Effect is over two years old now. I played through it a few times on 360, then snagged it on PC when it was on sale on Steam for $10, and am now playing through that a second time in order to have a save w/ the latest DLC and w/ level 60 (which is only possible on a new game +).

Dragon Age, though...I just beat it over Thanksgiving! What the fuck am I doing playing this game again already?! I've got the Witcher to beat, not to mention a million older RPGs.

I just really love that game, I guess. And to be fair, it's been a pretty different game this time. I was a male human noble warrior in my first game, and now, I'm a female city elf rogue, and not only is the origin totally different, but I'm doing things in a slightly different order, and the character interactions are different because I'm playing a female character.

Really, though, I was the same way with Final Fantasy VII, then Resident Evil 2, then KotOR, and a handful of other games. I just get really into certain games, and while I still do play through new games, these games just call me back again & again.

I was kinda chuckling to myself about this last night, as I was making short work of the Fade section of Dragon Age, and doing so much more quickly and confidently than I was in my first playthrough. I realized that I already had some of the complex puzzles in the game memorized, and was surprised by that, but then realized that Dragon Age is now one of those 'go-to' games for me. I'll play it again and again, trying to find ways to get the game to react differently than it has before (and I'm usually successful; I once got Tifa to come to me in the Golden Saucer instead of Aeris.)

Anyway, it always kills me that I spend about half my gaming time replaying games that I've already beaten.

Do you guys think I should worry that a) I've narrowed my game-playing almost exclusively to RPGs & b) I spend half that time playing through adventures I've already finished?

And what about you? Do you have any games like this, that you go back to once a year or so and play through again? I actually played FFVII every year, once a year from 1997-2004. I know, I know, but I'm hoping to hear that you're the same way!

ANYWAY, have a great New Year, get drunk, don't drive, and if you're coming to my house for walking tacos, be there at 7:00 tonight!

See ya in 2010!



  1. Yes! I only keep games that I will play at least a few times. I'm in the same boat as you with some Bioware titles. I played KOTOR and Mass Effect at least five times each all the way through. I played Fallout 3 regularly for about twelve months between three capped out characters.

    I got into this habit as a result of not being able to afford ALL the cool games. I try to do a lot of research and decide which game(s) I would enjoy the most. I'm disappointed when I pay full price for a game that I have no interest in replaying.

    I could be happy with three or four great games a year. In 2010 I'm looking to ME2, Red Dead Redemption, FFXII and maybe one surprise game to get me through. Anything more than that will be a bonus.

    Now you have me thinking about which game I'm going to play again. I know, I'll replay BioShock for the third time instead of buying the sequel:)

  2. Another good thing about re-playing games is that there is never a "dry season" like these so-called professional podcasters bitch about.
