(thanks to Alan Richey for the killer banner above)

Welcome to Untitled Gaming, repository for unfiltered, uncensored opinions on all things related to games, and best of it all, it comes from two adults that don't live in their mothers' basements. Additionally, we do not think it's the coolest thing in the world to scream racist and homophobic slurs, all in the name of drawing attention to our sad, little lives. We do other less obnoxious things to draw attention to our sad, little lives.

Oh, and we've been accused of podcasting from time to time. You can check out the most recent one just to the right of the blog.

We're here to have discussions, so please enjoy and engage us in the comments!

thanks to Laurance Honkoski for the book banner!

Blaine's Other Blogs


End of 2009

Here's the podcast.

Let us know what you think, and feel free to let us know where we went wrong.



  1. This'll be my first listening of the Untitled Podcast; it had best be good, else our mutual friend Cody will meet an untimely demise.

    Although, I hear in the future he leads a revolt against the robots, it may be for the best to just ace him now.

  2. If I don't start responding now I'm going to forget what I want to say, so I may have a few posts.

    Dragon Age: Origins - I cannot understand for the life of me why this games looks so bad. I felt Bioware finally took a big step forward with their visuals in Mass Effect (ME2 looks to push it even further) and DA:O looks like a last gen game on the 360. The models are stiff and the the environments are very bland. I can tell that the concept art must have been really kick ass, but it just isn't executed well at all.

    Another thing I wish the console version had was the isometric view. That looks like it really changes the entire game. Now that a Mac version is coming out I may give it another shot.

    Final Fantasy X - This was my first JRPG and I can assure I do not think it is the best in the genre or series - that title belongs to FFXII based on what I have played. The story was bad and like you guys said, outside of Auron the cast was not very likable. I did love the battle system though which is why I played the game so much. Oh, one more thing, I don't want to see another Chocobo race - ever.

  3. M.H. Mason - It is good, at least from what I remember. Mental note to not do shots of Jager during the recording this Sat...

    Laurance - I hated most of the mini games across all FF games though, and thought Blitzball was almost worse. I hated the freakin' points needed to get the Omnislash in VII, since the slots in the battle made me mini + frog. I took only 1 dmg, but dealt only 1, leading to a 6 hour battle or having to start over getting those #&^%$&@% points. Dodging the 200 lightning strikes in X sucked too. FF should really stick to the main game instead of extra crap mini games that are required to unlock some of the best stuff.

  4. That is what pissed me off the most. You had to play this horribly broken mini-game to unlock the special weapon for Tidus. I didn't even attempt to get the one through Blitzball.

    GEARS - I couldn't agree more. Gears brought co-op gaming back and we are all better off because of it. One of my favorite games as a kid was Contra on the NES mostly because I played it with a friend/relative. Even my aunt played it with me. Gears brought out the inner child in me with co-op and I love it for that. And I know they didn't event the cover mechanic, but I'm glad more games are using it now. Is there any way that could be used in a FPS?

  5. KOTOR II - I liked this game even though I played the unfinished Xbox version. The characters were just as interesting as the first game, the alignments effects were badass (especially because you can make Bao-Dur look like Darth Maul), and the gear was a lot better.

    The unfinished story and elimination of the HK-47 factory (you can even see in the game where it was supposed to be) was a huge drawback. I may look into playing the patched PC version.

  6. BIOSHOCK - My personal holy grail of the 360 for all the reason you guys talked about. Disappointed it is lower than - ugh - Lost Odyssey.

    Speaking of which, Lost Odyssey is NOT a game. I put in about 15 hours and might have actually played for two. It was painful. And for the record the VATS system in Fallout 3 is not much different than the battle system KOTOR - except you get to target specific body parts. So if you can over look the system in KOTOR you should be able to do the same with Fallout 3. The real reason Blaine doesn't like Fallout 3 is because it doesn't have a three character party:)

  7. One last thing:

    There is nothing in FFX that is relatable to daddy issues. If there are people who exist that connected with that, I would say put your controller down and go watch a few Wes Anderson flicks.

    And if you can't get into Wes Anderson, rent P.T Anderson's Magnolia and watch in awe of Tom Cruise's only great performance.

  8. Mason - Thanks for the listen! Hope ya dig it & hope we hear from ya!

    Laurance - DAO was in development years and years ago, which I think was one thing that hindered the visuals. Also, it's possible that they wanted it to run on as many PCs as possible. I do agree, though, that it is not the sharpest-looking game. My condolences on having played it on a console. I'd love to hear how the Mac version is. I'm glad we agree on FFX, from top to bottom. AND, Magnolia FTW. I fucking love that film. Cruise's best performance since he played Lestat. Gears is great. Co-op is great. Love it, love it, love it. I've seen some FPSs that use the cover mechanic, but will pop out to a 3rd person when in cover (PDZ did this, I think.) I'm amazed at how many things KotOR II did better than the first game and yet some aspects of it rendered it utterly inferior. I still love the game, so much so that I made damn sure that we talked about it. Playing the patched PC version is a real treat, especially once you plug in the fan-fixed mods that unlock the HK-47 story and other 'hidden' sections. BioShock was actually a game that Tony and I battled a bit over. He wanted it a bit higher, but I knocked it down a little. It is a great game, but it's a tad overrated. It's really cool that it comments on the very nature of games, and I dug the character development aspects, and so much more about the game, but I didn't get as immersed in the world as I do in a straight RPG. I almost wanna say that it loses points for not having more RPG aspects. Yeah, I'm THAT guy. As for my beloved Lost Odyssey, I know that it's intellectually and culturally challenging for some, too much so, but it's an incredible story that ya get to play from time to time. So, there. Fallout 3 should've been as good a game as it started out being. As soon as I got to the grocery store and got absolutely shredded again and again, thanks to the horrible combat, I decided I wanted to play something that wasn't horribly designed. Again, Magnolia FTW. Fucking love that flick. Too bad P.T. Anderson drowned in his own bullshit after making that. Wes Anderson is the fucking man.


  9. Laurance - I agree for the most part. Just finished the last DLC for Fallout 3, but I would not compare it to KotOR in combat simply because it is VERY easy to run out of VATS points, and when you do the controls for shooting are awful. I still enjoyed playing through the game and all the DLC, but any time I was without VATS in a firefight was painful and took 10x the ammo to drop anything.

  10. There is no denying the shooting mechanic in Fallout 3 is terrible, but I never played like a shooter. I played the whole game using VATS and melee. I guess it is all in how you build your character. Later in the game the perk that refills VATS when you get a kill is great. Add that to critical hits while silent in the Chinese Stealth Suit and you are unstoppable.
