(thanks to Alan Richey for the killer banner above)

Welcome to Untitled Gaming, repository for unfiltered, uncensored opinions on all things related to games, and best of it all, it comes from two adults that don't live in their mothers' basements. Additionally, we do not think it's the coolest thing in the world to scream racist and homophobic slurs, all in the name of drawing attention to our sad, little lives. We do other less obnoxious things to draw attention to our sad, little lives.

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thanks to Laurance Honkoski for the book banner!

Blaine's Other Blogs


E3 Presser Day Video Dump

This is everything that was worth seeing today ...

Watch live streaming video from biowaretv at livestream.com
Watch live streaming video from biowaretv at livestream.com

And I think that's everything that was worth seeing from Presser Day.



Sony Review

I know that I need to wait and see what Nintendo's got in store before I degenerate into one of 'them' and start waving my arms around screaming 'Sony won the show,' but Microsoft lowered the bar enough to make that wait difficult.

Sony offered more games with fewer gimmicks that MS did. Period. Sure, there was some silliness about the PS Move, but we got to see Uncharted and all those other games that I'm not terribly interested in.

We got to see the PS Vita, which is, dare I say it, the best gaming handheld I've ever seen. No gimmicks. It plays games in as straightforward a fashion as you could ever want. And it's $249. Fucking great.

That being said, the Move should be the platform for that Kinect Lightsaber game. It's more natural to hold something in your hands. I play Tiger using the Move on my PS3, and having something to hold while golfing is way better than pretending to hold something.

Also, I thought that Jack Tretton had his best personal show ever. He handled the PSN debacle well, and he seemed more relaxed than ever before.

I can't say enough about how impressed I was with both Uncharted games, and can't wait to get my hands on either one. I'm looking forward to the MP beta later this month.



Microsoft Presser Review

'SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT KINECT.' That seemed to be the general consensus on Twitter and in my brain. The usage of the voice command in Mass Effect 3 during combat looked awesome. The Fable on-rails shooter looked like putrid ass.

This is yet another gaming gimmick out of control. It was the Wii for a while, and now it's the Kinect.

The Ghost Recon usage was insane, and totally inappropriately applauded.

That being said, Gears of War 3 looked great, as did Forza 4.

Gears showed a level taking place on a giant boat, and co-op partners made use of a mech suit. One person wore it while firing away, while the other player was actually able to use the mech suit as cover. Very, very cool.

Forza Motorsport 4 has a nice graphical overhaul, but little needs to be said about this game. We know it's going to be great, and those of us with good taste will buy it.

Mass Effect 3 looked AMAZING and the usage of voice-command was great in combat and not so much in dialogue. I'm going to hate the parts that they've geared even more toward generic people, but I'm going to love the game. I just hope the voice command for combat makes it into the PC version.

We got the obligatory Halo and CoD stuff, but peppered in between that was the above good stuff.

There was also a bunch of blah blah blah about watching TV on the 360 and talking at your XBox and whatever, but I suddenly found staring out the window very interesting then.

Sadly, the last third of the show was once again Kudo's Gaming For Babies Seminar. Kudo used to be a symbol of innovation, but now he just signals to me that it's time for me to quit paying attention.

Overall, Microsoft showed more core games than I was expecting, but the forcing of Kinect into everything was very disappointing.

Make me happy, EA!


Games to Watch

Here are the games on which I'm keeping tabs this E3 ... QUICKLY!

Aliens: Colonial Marines
I really thought this game was dead. It had gone dead quiet for ... a year? Two? I can't remember now. Anyway, this franchise + Gearbox Software + Sega sounds AWESOME. This is going to be a title that could really surprise some people at this year's show.

Battlefield 3
I've recently discovered that the Battlefield series has been doing the 'military shooter' thing better than anyone for a long time. Intense action + non-retard story + smooth PC-based gameplay = HAWT.

BioShock Infinite
It's a Ken Levine game.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution
The devs on this are saying all the right things, showing all the right assets, and displaying some real soul and originality, but because this is tied to a beloved franchise, I'm nervous about it.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Because the fifth time is the charm, yes? There is no logical reason for this series never clicking with me, so I will try, try again!

Final Fantasy XIII-2
I love numeric and Tactics-based Final Fantasy titles more than I should, but word on the street is that this title is actually going to play a lot closer to classic Final Fantasy than its predecessor. I'm curious to see whose stage this shows up on during the console pressers.

Forza Motorsport 4
I suck at all racing games, but really enjoy the sim racers anyway. Turn 10 does it better than anyone else right now, so I love Forza right now.

Gears of War 3
Time to finish the fight. The Gears of War series has been the best third-person action series of this generation, and I'm looking forward to suiting back up. Big dudes, big guns, big action, and big story that doesn't take itself too seriously. Sounds fucking great.

Madden NFL 12
Why the fuck not?

Mass Effect 3
Remember when Mass Effect was that space RPG that we were getting instead of KotOR 3? How it was not that big a deal to anyone but us hardcore RPG fans? And then Mass Effect 2 came out and told us all to get our shit and get the fuck out because it wanted to be with shooter fans now. I'm curious to see how much shit I'm going to have to put up with to love Mass Effect 3.

Metro: Last Light
I REALLY need to go back and finish the first one. I know most of you are terrified of these eastern European games, but you knuckleheads are missing out. Eastern Europe is the '90s Seattle' of this generation of gaming. If you don't believe me, then go play The Witcher, STALKER, or Metro 2033 then go to the card shop and get an 'I'm sorry I'm such a xenophobic fucking homer' card.

NCAA Football 2012
The best football game every year gets better every year.

A great setting for an MMO. Too bad Atari sold its developer. I want to know what the status is on this now. This could be a cash cow if it appeals to all those jilted Bioware fans that Bioware doesn't want anymore.

John Carmack. BOW.

Silent Hill: Book of Memories
This is actually being internally developed at Konami, which is interesting. It's the first one since the non-Silent Hill Silent Hill 4 to be developed by Konami. That bodes well for this title.

Silent Hill: Downpour
This series has really come off the rails since Toyama-san stopped working on it, but something about this one ... looks right. If they realize that 70% of the original trilogy's success was the sound design, this could be great.

Soul Calibur V
I've always had a soft spot for this series. That hasn't changed. It seems free of the pretension that dominates Street Fighter, Tekken, and all those douche-attracting fighters. PLEASE let this have the character-builder ...

Thank the Maker that EA dropped the CoD-serious take on this series that we were threatened with at that fake gaming awards show. We're back to crazy snowboarding on a mountain, and that suits me just fine.

Star Wars: The Old Republic
MMOs generally have the highest 'suck' factor in terms of what percent of them are utterly terrible. SWtOR, having been tied to the excellent KotOR series, looks to be a fun money-printing press for EA. I don't like the art style, but I like everything else I've seen about the game. I'm hoping to see a release date. I think it's at least a full year out.

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
The first game was near-perfect, the second game's single-player was too long, but still great, and the multiplayer was surprisingly solid. Both narratives were rock-solid. The third game is going to be awesome.

Uncharted: Golden Abyss
And thus starts the spin-offs. It was inevitable, I suppose. Since Uncharted 3 is in development, this has been farmed out to either a 'B' team or another dev. I'm excited about, don't get me wrong, but I just wanted to make some things clear right up front. Maybe it would be better to delay this until the 'A' team can work on it? That never happens with handheld spin-offs, but ... one could hope.

Warhammer 40k: Dark Millenium Online
I love everything about Warhammer 40k, so I'm curious about this.

Warhammer 40k: Space Marine
This falls outside of Relic's comfort zone, which is strategy games, but I trust them when it comes to quality. They also know this IP inside and out. It looks Gears-esque, which bodes well, and this has the potential to be a really fun take on the IP. I look forward to seeing more.

And that's it. I can't wait to see what other games surprise us, but this is a good place to start.

What did I leave off?


Sony, um, hrm, I dunno.

Let's just put this out front.

I have not a clue what Sony's going to do this year.

Well, that's not totally true. We know that a) the NGP will get some attention, b) they'll make light of the PSN outage, c) Jack Tretton will look like he's ready to piss himself, and d) we'll see Uncharted goodness.

What I don't know, though, is HOW Sony's going to come at all this. Are they going to take a conciliatory tone, or are they going to come out, guns blazing?

One thing I'll give them is that, unlike the other two console makers, they've kept their focus on the core gamer. They really do have a better stable of games coming out this year than the other consoles.

Well, we're saying that now, but let's see what this week holds.

What I'm excited to see from Sony is whether they expand on their relationship with Steam. THAT would be awesome. More cross-play functionality would boost sales of multiplayer games for them big-time. Many of you children that are saddled with console games will finally get to play games with myself and your big brothers that can afford to build those big, scary computers.

Additionally, I'm excited to see more about the relationship between the PS3 & the NGP. Since the dawn of the GameBoy, there's been this desire to see consoles and handhelds be able to ... do something with each other in some kind of meaningful way. I guess maybe it's kind of lack how I have my gaming desktop and gaming laptop share a 'My Documents' folder, so that my saves are always on both machines when they're at home, which means that when I take my laptop on the road ... all my game saves are on it and I can keep playing The Witcher 2 portably! Gasp!

Yeah, PCs have been able to do that for years, but it is cool that PSP & PS3 are starting to, in a very limited fashion, do it.

Good stuff.

Anyway, if this really catches hold, this could change the face of portable gaming and really do what Sony wanted to do in the first place, which is put the home console experience into a handheld system. I think that bears watching.

Oh, and just so we're clear, 'Transfarring' is a Konami thing for Sony consoles, while Sony has their own system that they're going to unveil.

And, for me, personally, they can't show enough Uncharted. My wife and I both love that series, and cannot wait for the next chapter this fall. It is beautifully written, and the gameplay doesn't get in the way. Awesome.

At 1900 on 6/6, you can watch the Sony presser here.

What do you think and/or hope you'll see from Sony tonight?



Microsoft and the 180 on the 360

It's been fascinating to watch Microsoft fall under Nintendo's spell and trudge behind it, mindlessly, in its quest to perfect Gaming For Babies. It began a few years ago, with the pedophilia simulator, Milo, as well as some party-based trashware like 'You're in the Movies!'

We've still gotten a handful of real games during the show from them, but it seems to decrease every year, and no, I don't count the annual showing of yet another iteration on the already-tired Call of Duty series. That's multi-platform and about as surprising as a bowel movement.

This year, I am glad that we're all but certainly seeing Gears of War 3 and Forza Motorsport 4, but I'm a little concerned that the show will go like past years, which is like this:

 - Don Mattrick comes out, nervously says some shit, and then we all remember when Peter Moore used to do this, only WAAAY better
 - Obligatory Call of Duty snorefest; generic dumbfucks get very excited
 - Gaming for Babies, round one
 - Forza of Gears
 - Gaming for Babies, round two
 - Forza or Gears
 - new expensive non-gaming peripheral
 - free expensive bribe to gaming press, again

Bear in mind, too, that Microsoft just got done reassuring us that the XBox brand is NOT a gaming brand. This year's Microsoft presser is going to make Nintendo look like a hardcore gamer's champion.

Microsoft can't flee the gamer's clutches fast enough. Once this is done, it'll have wriggled out of PC gaming to go to console gaming, only to have dropped that jilted lover, as well.

Microsoft wants the XBox to be the set-top box that we all talked about 10 years ago. They don't love you anymore. You can ask the fat 35-year old virgins who still cry for a new Kid Icarus how this process goes.

I actually like Microsoft and hope they blow our minds, but the 'rebranding' announcement, combined with the way their shows have trended the last few years tells me everything I need to know.

So, what do you think? Are you okay with Microsoft shunning gamers in favor of a set-top box?

What do you hope to see?

Either way, you can watch the show from 1130-1300 on 6/6 here.



Believe It or Not

It is time ...

That ad still makes me smile, even after breaking it out year after for E3.

I've done quite a bit of posting and podcasting surrounding E3 these past few years, though I never quite produced as much content as I would've liked. I always kinda ran outta steam at the end, and really, it was always due to the fact that I was working the whole time.

This year, though, that all changes. I've taken the week off from work, so I can fully bask in the spectacle without any real responsibility.

My intention, for this particular post, is to give you a 'Guide to E3 For Those Not Going to E3.'

First, a viewing guide. Please note that all the pressers are also on gamepro.com, gamespot.com, g4tv.com, and gametrailers.com.

This Past Thursday

Monday (all times normal time)
1100 - SpikeTV - Pre-Microsoft Show
1130 - SpikeTV - Microsoft Presser
1300 - SpikeTV - Post-Microsoft
1400 - G4TV - Pre-EA Show
1430 - SpikeTV - EA Presser
1600 - G4TV - Pre-Ubisoft Show
1630 - G4TV - Ubisoft Presser
1800 - G4TV - Post-Ubisoft
1830 - G4TV - Pre-Sony Presser
1900 - G4TV - Sony Presser
2030 - G4TV - Post-Sony
1000 - G4TV - Pre-Nintendo Show
1100 - G4TV - Nintendo Presser
1300 - G4TV - Post-Nintendo
1500 - G4TV - E3 Live
1600 - G4TV - E3 Live
1600 - G4TV - E3 Live

You can also check out the full online offerings from  GamePro, GameSpot, G4TV, and GameTrailers. There's more coverage then ever this year, so dig in!

So, there's all that. I'm glad there's going to be a lot of access this year, because this is going to be the most interesting E3 since the beginning of the 'E3 on TV era' (2005-now). This is the beginning of a new console hardware generation. While my interest in console gaming has flattened, due to my ability to enjoy PC games, I still own and play my PS360, and my son loves the Wii. Rumblings of a WiiHD, a Wii2, or that mythical Nintendo console that is not intended for babies has me stoked. While I'm certain Nintendo will fail in currying interest from responsible, employed, adult males that have had sex with other adult humans, the tantalizing prospect of new hardware is irresistible.

That, and having a five-year old son doubles my interest. What will he think of the latest droppings from Big N? Certainly, a five-year could forgive Luigi's Mansion 2. Right? Given that most hardcore Nintendo fans have all the intellectual sophistication of a five-year old, it should be a hit no matter what, right?

We'll see.

There's also the prospect that the NGP will not be a stillborn, as well as some rumors circulating about Microsoft showing some new hardware.

All that aside, it's gotta be about the games, something Nintendo has never grasped, something that Microsoft is slowly forgetting, and something that Sony is actually doing better year after year.

Of course, if you play PC games, all you have is the games, since there is no hardware standard. But you don't care about that. You're one of them.

After this, I'll be posting previews and predictions for each of the big three, followed by a roundup of games you should keep an eye on.

Then, each day next week, I'll post pics, video, and some written reactions to whatever is worth reacting to.

So, what about you? Are you excited to see what Nintendo has in store? What else has you excited?
